30+ Best Grey Bedroom Ideas To Repel Boredom

Grey bedroom is getting more popular these days. It is one of the most favorite colors for everyone when it is all about decorating the bedroom. However, the biggest challenge is about how to choose the right for you.

It is always good advice for you to add your personal style when you want to decorate your bedroom. In another word, you need to plan a grey color scheme for your bedroom carefully. For example, if you want to make your bedroom looks more modern, it is good to go with a deep and more dramatic color of grey. Additionally, you can combine it with glass and metal to add an industrial look.

On the other hand, the traditional or vintage bedroom looks great when you add gentle tones like pink or blue. These colors are the perfect match for grey. It looks versatile and stylish for adding a vintage touch.

Another ideal choice is vibrant coral tones. These tones look perfect for grey. It is because the tones offer warm. So, when you go to your bedroom, you can feel that the grey is not too cold. Keep in mind that adding these tones helps your bedroom looks more inviting than before.

Even it is possible to add warming feel to your gray bedroom by adding layers of faux fur textiles. It means that you can use rugs, throw pillows, and cushions. Also, it is important to not use gray to all walls. Paint gray color to one side of your wall. After that, let the remaining walls white. So, you have an accent wall there as the focal point of your bedroom. Try not to dominate the room with all grays by adding dark flooring.

Other than that, you can try the idea of using wooden furniture, wooden panel, and everything that gives the natural touch. The natural color of wood can be the best match for gray. If you need more inspirations, you can check out our gallery. Have fun!

image source : pinterest.com

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