25 Gorgeous Garden Design Ideas You Need To See

Is this your first experience to build a garden at home? Well, when you want to make a flower garden, it is important to decide the location, the shape, and the size of the garden. After that, you should also plan for the plants carefully. There are many plants to plant such as annual plants, perennials, shrubs, bulbs, and small trees.

The first step to designing your garden is to choose what you want. Perhaps, you want to have a small square garden with a few annuals. Or, perhaps you want to have a long garden with perennials. Well, decide what you want. Also, consider the beauty of your garden. For example, are you going to make it a spectacular stage for winter, summer, or for all-season? Even more, details can help such as how much energy, time, and money you will spend on planting and gardening?

Once you have decided the choice, it is time to think of the location. If you talk about a flower garden, it means that you should not plant it in a self-contained unit. It should be about a beautiful landscape, just like planting a shade tree. Keep in mind that even though you make a great design, it is bad if you choose the wrong location. A garden to enjoy means that you should plant it near the location you like to spend when you are outside of your house. It can be closer to the back terrace, the driveway, close to the front steps, or near the swimming pool. Even better, it is good to build your garden that you can even see the location from your window.

What if the location you choose for the garden border does not provide a good background? It does not a big deal. You can create a simple fence. Alternatively, it is possible to plant a hedge. Here we have some pictures to check out!

image source : pinterest.com

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